Artisan Tip: Showing Photos
Did you know you have more than one option regarding where you view your photos in Artisan? Let's explore the option further.
Did you know you have more than one option regarding where you view your photos in Artisan? Let's explore the option further.
It's time to make your book project's cover or title page. Use the Custom Cutter and Text to ensure your layout "Pops" off the page!
Create a fun tree made from a heart shape that can be used as an embellishment or even photo frames for your page.
Creating a system for checking your completed project is essential to ensure accuracy and quality. Begin by developing a comprehensive checklist that covers all critical aspects of the project, including content accuracy, formatting consistency, and design alignment. Break down the review process into manageable sections, such as text, images, and layout to focus on one element at a time. Use both digital tools and manual methods, like spell checkers and printed proofs, to catch a wide range of errors. Involve a second pair of eyes for a fresh perspective and to catch mistakes you might have overlooked. Document any issues identified in a tracking table or spreadsheet, noting the location and nature of each error to streamline corrections. This systematic approach will help you thoroughly review your project, ensuring a polished and professional final product. In addition to the related offerings, if you purchased a Hollywood Virtual Party ticket, review Breakout 05: Workflow Proofing for additional proofing techniques.
Create an easy grungy looking border using basic Artisan tools such as strokes and stamps.
Learn about different book project spread options and how the Print Guide works with pages and covers in the different options.
Use the rotation snap guides to get perfect placement for making a fan of papers.
Discover settings that visually help you define your work space in Artisan. These options outline key boundaries that inform placement of elements in a project. Learn the purpose of these outline settings and uncover how they frame the working area of your scrapbook page.
This Video Tidbit is inspired by a blog written by Anne Lineberger on April 9, 2013, and her coordinating sample page (see blog below). In this video, you will edit shapes to create tabbed strips for your photos, journaling and short captions. We will use Grid Lines to help with alignment and spacing.
Use the Ruler Guide tabs to center elements at a specific point.
In this video, you will learn how to use the Grid lines, the Grid cutter and tabs (markers) to create an agenda style layout.
This tip focuses on the Preview area of the View Ribbon when in a Seamless Layflat project.
Use the Grid view, a circle and a few diagonal lines as guides to create a cute snowman wreath.
The look of old fashioned vintage albums bring back memories of old tin types and family members with solemn expressions.
Subway Art is all the rave and the look is easy to achieve in FOREVER Artisan software. The use of text shapes and guide lines along with the alignment tools remove all complication and help you achieve even spacing and uniformity while allowing you to experiment with different fonts, font types and even other shapes.
This tip will examine other page previews available to you in Artisan 5 - Page, Trim, Spread, and Rotate - and discuss when or why you'd want to use them
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